Particularly older images often show color casts that can be removed easily with GCC. The Global Color Correction is an intuitive tool for controlling the color balance of the whole image.A mouse click in the preview window easily selects the color to be changed: SilverFast's Selective Color Correction is particularly intuitive. Selective color correction means that a single color is selected and changed specifically, but all other colors remain unchanged. SilverFast SCC is a tool to perform a selective color correction in a very simple manner.For example, if several originals are to be scanned one after another, the user can already set the image optimization options for the second scan while the scanner is digitizing the first original. SilverFast 8 is fully capable of multitasking.

All major functions can be operated quickly and easily. The controls can be arranged flexibly and freely on the screen according to personal preferences. The user interface of SilverFast 8 has been completely redeveloped according to current standards.A 100% zoom facilitates to properly evaluate and set the parameters of these tools. The new SilverFast 8 Preview Concept allows to assess the results even for complicated image optimization functions, such as iSRD and USM, at any time.35mm film strips with up to 6 frames (positive or negative).Mounted 35mm slides or negatives (5 x 5 cm, all established mount thicknesses) up to 4 pcs.Dimensions (L x W x H): 272 mm × 120 mm × 119 mm.